About Us » School Plans, Accountability Report Cards, District and State Reports

School Plans, Accountability Report Cards, District and State Reports

A plan of action to improve student academic performance by coordinating all educational services and resources. Pursuant to California Education Code (EC) Section 64001 and the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) schools that receive state and federal funds through the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) and ESEA Program Improvement funds consolidate all school plans into the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). (quoted from California Dept. of Ed.)
School Accountability Report Cards (in English, Spanish, Vietnamese)
Since November 1988, state law has required all public schools receiving state funding to prepare and distribute a SARC. A similar requirement is also contained in the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. The purpose of the report card is to provide parents and the community with important information about each public school. A SARC can be an effective way for a school to report on its progress in achieving goals. The public may also use a SARC to evaluate and compare schools on a variety of indicators (quoted from California Dept. of Ed.).

The link above is to a PDF file of the third Annual Report of the Garden Grove Unified School District’s strategic plan, The Garden Grove Way, for 2019-20.  The district prepares this document to summarize progress towards objectives identified in our strategic plan as well as convey important performance information related to those goals.  The Annual Report identifies areas of strength as well as areas to improve, and provides highlights from our second annual survey of students, staff, and parents. We are proud that The Garden Grove Way has resulted in a stronger district and more successful students; and we are grateful for the collaboration with parents, community, and staff in working together toward our goals. 



*Search for "Garden Grove High" in the School/District search box
also from California Dept of Ed: California School Dashboard for GGHS (2023)