Educational Support » Counseling » Counseling Office Announcements

Counseling Office Announcements

Financial Aid Workshops are going on NOW! 
  • Parents and Students, you both must complete the steps below to obtain your FSA ID. 
    • Once you have your ID (see instruction sheet with steps below) you can come to Room 301 to get help with the application at Lunch or after school.
Senior Counseling Day 2
The counseling team recently spent the day out in the classrooms with Seniors for their Counseling Lesson Day 2.  In this presentation, students learned how to go about organizing their college options and had an opportunity to start a college application.  If you were absent or want to review the information presented you can view it HERE. 


Don't forget we have College Application Workshops available at Lunch and After School through November!
We had an amazing turn out at our College Information Night on 9/20/23.  If you were unable to attend, you can still view our presentation below for information.  
The presentation covers Higher Education: What is it? How to prepare for college? It also reviews the different college systems and Financial Aid.  It is important to understand the process and deadlines.  The application window is opening soon!  Our College Boost Mentors and Counselors will start holding College Application Workshops and Financial Aid Workshops.  
We are here to help each step of the way!

Announcement as of 9/15/2023:


Argo Seniors and families!  Today we presented Day 1 of our Senior Counseling Lessons.  If you missed the lesson or have questions about the information shared please feel free to review the presentation below.  By the end of the lesson, you should know how:

  1. To evaluate your High School transcript and college admission eligibility
  2. To recognize the different college systems and career exploration resources
  3. To compare different majors

Don’t forget to write down questions you have prior to your one on one “Senior Conference.”  Senior conferences begin on Monday, September 18th.

GGHS School Counselors will be presenting Day 1 of the Senior Counseling Lesson on Sept. 15. You will receive a copy of your transcript. Please make sure you bring that to your individual senior conferences and any questions you may have about the college application process. The Senior Conferences will take place over the course of a few weeks beginning Sept. 18 through October 20. You will receive a call slip indicating your appointment time through one of your elective classes.

Remember to log into your account 
( and finalize your college and career searches by favoriting the schools you intend to apply for.   

Seniors, please fill out the attached
GGHS 2024 Senior Survey Fall  by September 17.

GGUSD is offering a virtual section of College and Career Seminar as Dual Enrollment with Golden West College this Fall during 7th period. Class starts next week Tuesday. This can be a great opportunity for students to develop a plan for their college and career success and earn early college credits! If you are interested in signing up for the course, please email your School Counselor. Please see the flyer below for more information.