Parents » Health Office Information

Health Office Information

School Nurse


The school nurse is available for health counseling and emergencies. If a student sustains an injury or has a health emergency, the student should notify a teacher or staff member to have him/her escorted immediately to the health office located in the guidance office.


Health Aides

Garden Grove High School has two (2) part-time health aides that assist the nurse.


School Nurse: Kiran Gill                   

Health Aide: Anabele Tiscareno             *8:00 am - 11:30 am

Health Aide: Sabrina Varelas                 *11:30 am – 3:00 pm 

                                                                *Hours may vary


Telephone Number:                                714-663-6179

Fax Number:                                           714-663-6030


Immunization Requirements

Prior to a student
enrolling at Garden Grove High School, they must complete their immunizations.  Please click here to find current "Immunization Requirements.”


Information regarding local clinics is available via the OC Health Website:




If a student is required to take medication at school, please download the medication authorization form below and have your student’s doctor complete it and return it to the Health Office:



Students must take all medications in the health office under the supervision of an approved staff member. If a student needs to take medication while on campus, the student’s doctor and parent/guardian must complete a medication authorization form. Medication must be in your child's original, labeled pharmacy container written in English.


For over-the-counter medications, the authorization form is still required, signed by the student’s doctor, and authorized by the parent. The parent must provide the over-the-counter medicine in an original unopened container to the health office.


It is not recommended that students carry medicine on them while on campus but they may self-carry emergency medications if the M.D. designates this on the authorization form. If a student brings a medication on campus without the appropriate form on file, he/she may be at risk of suspension.

Physical Education Restriction/Releases


If a student is unable to participate in Physical Education because of a medical reason, you must bring a note from the doctor indicating the activity limitations. Download the form below and have your student’s doctor complete it and return it to the Health Office: