Educational Support » Counseling » AP Exam Information

AP Exam Information

AP UPDATE 10/11/2023


Hello AP Students!

AP Exam Registration will begin next week! Please be sure to make note of the following details:

1.  Registration for AP exams will take place from Monday, October 16th - Thursday, October 26th at the Bookstore from 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm.  You must check in at the Counseling Office before reporting to the Bookstore

2.  You will receive an AP Exam Registration Form this week from one of your AP teachers that has instructions and is labeled with your  individual information.
All AP students have been assigned to a specific date during this two-week window to register and pay for exams. The assigned schedule is printed on the back of your registration form, so be sure to check the schedule and calendar the date that you will need to register.
3.  In order to be eligible for AP Exam fee waivers, your Parents MUST HAVE completed Data Confirmation.  The Free & Reduced Lunch Meal Application (Income Survey Form) was incorporated in the annual process.
If you have any questions, please contact the AP Coordinators Mrs. Landeros @ [email protected] or Mrs. Luna @ [email protected]

Thank you!