Academics » ESLRs


ESLRs- Expected Schoolwide Learning Results

Effective Communicators Who :

* Read and appreciate a broad variety of material including literary selections and expository texts.
* Speak and listen with insight and understanding
* Demonstrate writing skills by using clear language and correct usage.
* Use a computer as an information source, presentation tool, and communication device.


Responsible Citizens Who :

* Exhibit good manners.
* Exhibit good study/ work habits that include regular attendance, punctuality, and effective time management.
* Understand our American heritage, our political and economic systems, and our role in the global setting.


Life-Long Learners Who :

* Apply the basic skills (reading, writing, mathematics, computing) in order to pursue their fullest potential .
* Plan for the future by setting appropriate and realistic goals and establish priorities.
* Make informed choices and take responsibility for the consequences of those choices.
* Establish, practice, and support appropriate hygiene, proper nutrition, and physical fitness habits.


Creative and Critical Thinkers Who :

* Use logic and effective problem-solving and decision-making processes.
* Effectively analyze and evaluate information.
* Apply learned skills and knowledge to new situations.
* Think critically to create original ideas and projects.