Educational Support » Technology » GGUSD Technology Acronyms

GGUSD Technology Acronyms

Google Apps for Education GAFE a core suite of productivity applications (Drive, Classroom, Forms, Sheets, Slides, etc) that Google offers to schools and educational institutions.
District Google hierarchy .NET  
Google Classroom Classroom An online space where Teachers and students can gather to communicate lessons and classwork. The Google Classroom is set up by the teacher and students will then enroll using their Google account. Within the classroom, teachers can post announcements, questions, or assignments. In turn, students are able to receive assignments, post questions, participate in discussions, and turn in assignments. All materials in the Classroom come from the participant's Google Drive.
Learning Management Systems LMS This digital space facilitates communication between teachers and students as well as organize and maintain class materials and assignments.
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge TPACK The intersection of knowledge that teachers must have to be able to seamlessly integrate technology into their teaching.
Blended Learning BL  
Google Apps   Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, etc.
Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition SAMR The hierarchy of types of lessons that have been infused with technology. This model allows teachers to evaluate what/how they are teaching when they add technology.
Flipped Classroom   Classrooms where the lecture (or direct instruction) is assigned via video streaming to be completed independently at home and class time is dedicated to applying those concepts in different activities.
Flubaroo   An extension to the Google sheets app that allows for online grading.
Google Forms Forms A Google tool where users can create surveys/questionnaires for all users. Responses are gathered in a Googls spreadsheet (AKA Sheets).
Sharing Google doc "Share it" To give permission to view or edit a Google document (Doc). Allows simultaneous manipulation of the shared materials.
Quick Response code QR code QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode). A barcode is a machine-readable optical label that contains information about the item to which it is attached.
Back Channel   The practice of using networked computers to maintain a real-time online conversation alongside the primary group activity or live spoken remarks. Akin to having a conversation behind the scenes of another conversation.