Vanessa Vargas » Resource Center Syllabus

Resource Center Syllabus

Garden Grove High School

Resource Center 2023-2024


Ms. Vargas

Room: 224 

Email: [email protected]


Welcome! This year you will be receiving extra support as you go through your year at Garden Grove High School. Resource Center will focus on providing and assisting you with: tutoring, study sessions, goal setting, high school navigation, grade monitoring, college planning, career planning, and mentorship. This class will offer you an opportunity to learn the skills necessary for success in high school, in college, and in life! Parental support helps students succeed, therefore your parents will be informed of your progress through grade checks, Aeries, email and/or phone call (if necessary).



You are expected to attend class regularly, and on time.

You are expected to communicate and participate in class (whole class discussion, small groups, partners). 

You are expected to be respectful and take responsibility for your actions.


Course Description

This course will be centered around a few major types of supports to assist students in making a successful transition through high school and develop the effective and academic skills needed for achievement in high school and beyond. The three elements of the program are:

  1.     Knowledge – Improve organization, study skills, time management, research, and collaborative work.
  2.     Motivation – Develop short and long-term goals and implement a plan to achieve.
  3.     Academic support –  Tutoring and guidance will be provided for students.


Major Class Components

Academic Skills: Students will be reminded, and encouraged, to effectively take notes, study, discuss controversial issues, and work in teams.


Tutorials: Two days a week students will participate in tutorials. Tutors will guide students in creating questions and locating answers from different content areas.


Grade Checks: Every two weeks students will be responsible for creating plans of attack for grade improvement, having their teachers sign the grade check form with their current grades and comment. Students must also take the form home for a parent signature.


Goal Setting: Students will be exploring the program of possible selves to set short and long-term goals. In addition, they will make their high school plan, research for college, research possible careers, and make a 10-year plan, among other things. 


Class Rules and Guidelines

Be respectful: You are expected to treat your peers, as well as all adults, with respect. Use academic language; this means, no cursing, no name calling, and absolutely no bullying! We all have different backgrounds, tastes, and styles, and that makes us who we are; it makes us interesting. We are not here to judge each other; we are here to learn from each other. This also means taking care of the classroom and everything in it.


Be considerate: Please raise your hand if you have a question, comment, or concern. Do not talk over others, wait your turn. When someone is talking, you are listening and giving them your full attention just as you would like for them to do with you. Restroom- only one person at a time. When out for the restroom, please keep in mind that others might be waiting for you to return so that they may go. 


Be prepared: Come to class prepared with all the materials that will need to be successful.. The minimal suggested materials that you should bring to class each day are paper, a pen/pencil, your school issued chromebook, and textbooks. If you are absent you need to check in with a classmate or with me for any missing assignments.


Be warned: Phones should not be used during class time. Headphones should not be used during class/instruction time. If you have either of those items out during instruction, it will be confiscated, turned in to the office, and your parents will have to come pick it up. Chromebooks should only be used when instructed to. Attire- there is a school dress code, please follow it. If the dress code is not followed, you will have a visit with the assistant principal. 

 Grading                                                                                                  Grading Scale

Summative                                            60%                                     90 - 100%        A  

         -grade checks                                                                             80 - 89%          B  

         -tests/quizzes                                                                             70 - 79%          C

         -projects                                                                                        60 - 69%         D    

Formative                                    40%                                          50 - 0%           F

         -binder checks


